Bildbericht von der Brezova Model Show (Tschechische Republik)

Die Brezova Model Show hat nun schon länger ihre Tore geschlossen und unser guter Freund David Lengyel aus der tschechischen Republik hat uns einige Eindrücke und Bilder dieser Ausstellung mitgebracht … BSPM-Brezova-2015-211 Bildbericht von der Brezova Model Show (Tschechische Republik)Hello all!

The event was perfectly organized on a modern venue with plenty of natural day light. I’ve met a lot of good friends as well as well known artists. We had a couple of beers on the friday night and great times during the barbecue and the bowling tournament, which was the accompanying program to the model show.
There were also vendors with models, tools, accessories and much more around the exhibition hall. What can I say more? The time flies when you have great models and wonderful people around you.
Award ceremony was also nice, I got two awards, shook hands with my pals and drove home. I’ll be back for more next year 😉

David Lengyel

Nachtrag der Redaktion: Interessant auch die „Work-in-progress“-Abteilung:

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